Land of Promises

In October I traveled to Israel and got to see with my own eyes the places I’ve just read about in the Bible. When I experienced for myself the barrenness of the southern desert region I could understand better how hard it must have been for the Jews to leave the relative fertility of Egypt [...]

Why Aren’t We There Yet?

I don’t live in the same town with some of my grandchildren, which means I only get to see them every year or so. Sometimes it’s even longer. I’m not happy about that … how far we live from one another … but the infrequency of our visits does give me a better perspective on [...]

All Things to Enjoy

Back in the ‘80s we used to sing a chorus taken from Scripture (Psalm 27:6; Hebrews 13:15). The song was written by Kirk Dearman. It went like this: We bring the sacrifice of praise Unto the house of the Lord. We bring the sacrifice of praise Unto the house of the Lord. And we offer up [...]