Rights and Responsibilities

Protests and demonstrations are back in the news as many college campuses are being rocked by demands for change. I feel like I’m living in the ‘60s again! It’s become a part of our Western culture for people to take to the streets in an attempt to secure rights for themselves or their favorite group. [...]

Setting Our Hope on Him

Picture the scene with me. Jesus has risen from the dead, validating His claim to be God in the flesh. He’s appeared to more than 500 people in the past 40 days (1 Corinthians 15:6) and now He’s gathered together His remaining disciples to give them their new assignment: something we call the Great Commission. [...]

It’s Not Fair!

A sense of justice that transcends culture and time is hardwired into all of us. We don’t like inequity. Our blood boils when we see one person oppressing another just because they’ve got more power or prestige. When Tony and I were raising our kids, our middle daughter was acutely tuned into justice—family style. Whenever [...]

Be Ye Separate

The words that resonate with our generation are inclusion, tolerance, and diversity. We don’t like the idea of excluding anyone from anything, so we have a hard time digesting (or even understanding) verses in the Bible like these: “Come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord. Don’t touch their filthy [...]

Chickens and Eggs

For centuries, the classic question about causality has been Which Came First … the Chicken or the Egg? Dilemmas like these arise when we can’t discern which of two events should be considered the cause and which considered the effect. When we try to figure it out through human reasoning we often get it wrong. [...]

“What Is It?”

Have you ever opened a Christmas present and felt deflated by what was inside? If you’re an adult, you try to hide your disappointment. You murmur what you hope is a heartfelt “thank you” to the one who gave it. After all, you tell yourself, it’s the thought that counts, right? But the feeling of [...]

Our Refuge and Strength

David and his mighty men couldn’t seem to catch a break. After being ousted from the Philistine army because some of the commanders mistrusted them, they came to Ziklag to discover the Amalekites had burned the city and taken all their wives and children captive. David and his men were so distressed, they “wept aloud [...]

Fear Not, Little Flock!

“Do not be afraid, little flock,” Jesus told His followers, “For your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32). I love this verse, don’t you? It reminds me of a similar verse in the Old Testament. There God tells His people, “Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob, little Israel, do [...]

What’s Your Impact?

How predictable is your faith walk? Here’s why I ask. A well-known adage goes like this: High predictability = Low Impact; Low predictability = High impact. I think most of us would agree with this; generally speaking, we remember best events that came as a complete surprise or appeared in some new way. This is [...]

Life that is Truly Life

Sometimes I get overwhelmed by it all. Advertising is everywhere—We listen to advertisements as we pump our gas, watch YouTube videos (unless we’ve paid for Premium), or wait for a movie to start. It’s a dim memory, but I remember going to movies when all I had to sit through were previews of upcoming shows [...]