Eyes to See: Finding Clarity in a World of Illusion

Back before Coronavirus, when we could mix with crowds of people, many of us visited the carnival when it came to town. One feature that always fascinated me was the house of mirrors. My brain would try to process what I was seeing … but always failed because nothing made sense. Even finding the exit [...]

Easter Reflections

When we approach the Garden of Gethsemane we are struck by two things. First, something painful is happening in a beautiful, tranquil setting. Second, we have no clue what the pain is about. In the Garden, where they had gone many times before to rest and pray, Jesus is agonizing this Passover night, and His [...]

Not Impressed

Approaching the Temple Mount in Jerusalem today holds none of the visual splendor enjoyed by the pilgrims in Jesus’ day. We stood in line at the base of a long staircase coming out of the Jewish sector of the old city, waiting to be admitted at the entry point for non-Muslims, a dingy checkpoint near [...]

Sudden Falls

“My feet had almost stumbled; my steps had nearly slipped” (Psalm 73:2). Recently I was marching along in some tall grass, unaware of how treacherous the ground was beneath my feet. Since I’m normally very surefooted, I was confident I’d make it safely through the shortcut. It was growing dark, and we were in a [...]

God With Skin On

When we started our accountability group a few years ago none of us had any idea what lay ahead. But my two friends and I felt led to join our lives together, agreeing to meet once a week to share, read Scripture, and pray together. I’m sure glad we did. All of us have already [...]

Are You Sure?

What would be our reaction if a Christian speaker stood up and began to declare all the reasons why we shouldn’t become a Christian? Picture it. The speaker pleads with us, not to come forward on the next chorus, but to think more about the decision before giving our lives to Jesus. He points out [...]