Chickens and Eggs

For centuries, the classic question about causality has been Which Came First … the Chicken or the Egg? Dilemmas like these arise when we can’t discern which of two events should be considered the cause and which considered the effect. When we try to figure it out through human reasoning we often get it wrong. [...]

“Take Up Your Cross”

The cross of Jesus Christ is a deep and profound mystery beyond our limited human understanding. It’s what C. S. Lewis called “the Deep Magic” in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We glibly talk about substitutionary atonement, but none of us fully grasps its meaning or significance. So I enter into this topic [...]

Eyewitnesses to His Majesty

I can imagine how breathless and scared the women must have been as they made their way to the tomb that early Sunday morning. The night before, after Sabbath ended, they’d purchased spices for Jesus’ body, which was now in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb. They’d watched His crucifixion from a distance and had followed those [...]

Reclaiming the Gospel

In the aftermath of Derek Chauvin’s trial (the man convicted of killing George Floyd) many of us are wondering What is our role as followers of Jesus in all of this?  Is social injustice an important enough cause to join forces with the world to overcome? Are we in fact negligent in our Christian duty [...]

Giving It All

With Coronavirus all around us, it’s hard to turn our minds towards anything else. Consumed by worries we never thought possible before – keeping a safe distance from others, washing our hands after every possible contact with the virus, and wearing gloves and masks when we do have to go out – we are shell [...]

Love Actually

February is the month we acknowledge and celebrate love. People have written a lot about the wonder of love. Some of the quotations we’ve memorized, we’ve heard them so much: “Love is blind” (Geoffrey Chauncer); “Love conquers all” (Virgil); and “’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all” (Alfred [...]

Reverent Submission

The setting where Jesus fought His greatest battle was fittingly an olive grove. As He knelt among the trees and prayed to His Father, He foreshadowed the process the olives around Him would soon undergo. On the tree they were safe and protected, but the time was coming when men would gather them for another [...]