Setting Our Hope on Him

Picture the scene with me. Jesus has risen from the dead, validating His claim to be God in the flesh. He’s appeared to more than 500 people in the past 40 days (1 Corinthians 15:6) and now He’s gathered together His remaining disciples to give them their new assignment: something we call the Great Commission. [...]

How Hearts are Changed

I was old enough to know better when I made a risky decision. I was out with friends and started talking with a guy from another high school who was bowling next to us. By the end of the evening, we were getting along so well that, when he offered to drive me home, I [...]

Returning His Gaze

In 1971 the English zoologist Desmond Morris wrote a classic study about human intimacy and how it develops. He suggested that all bonded couples go through twelve distinct stages that build on each other before the couple reaches full intimacy. The first two stages he proposes both involve our eyes. Morris called stage one “eye [...]

Keeping Love Alive

When Tony and I met, I was still living with my parents, attending university in Wichita, Kansas. He was enrolled at Kansas University in Lawrence – two hundred miles away. We ended up at the same party in Lawrence one weekend and, as sometimes happens, our “chance” meeting developed into something we both wanted to [...]

The Wow Factor

Do you like watching “Antiques Roadshow” on PBS? Me too. I’m always blown away by what the experts uncover. People bring in their family treasures to have them assessed and are sometimes dumbfounded – either because the item is worth less than they hoped or is so valuable they need to insure it. Often they’ve [...]

The Dreaded “S” Word

At some point in our walk with Jesus we have to face it: the S word. It’s something we try to avoid. We even invent theologies that suggest we won’t have to because Jesus did all of it for us. But the truth is, we will undergo SUFFERING. It’s part of our identification with Christ. [...]

In a Class by Himself

“No man ever spoke like this man” … or prayed … or healed … or listened … or cared like this man. He could confront hypocrisy with perfect judgment yet offer love and forgiveness to the worst of sinners. No doubt about it: Jesus was (and is) in a class of His own. I sometimes [...]

Seeing Christmas with the Mind and Heart of God

In the frantic preparations for this holiday season and all the activities accompanying it, I hope you won’t lose sight of the big picture. When Jesus came, everything changed. Oh sure, to those who saw Him walking around it seemed nothing had changed. Rome was still oppressing them, preventing them from running their own country. [...]

At Home

My only sibling just left my house … and I am already lonely for his company. We don’t see each other very often, since we live in different parts of the country. But it’s not just the infrequency of our visits that make them special. In close families like ours (sometimes with close friends as [...]

Becoming Real

People today are looking for the real deal. Even though we like to take our selfies and project a better-than-real-life image of ourselves in public, we still yearn for authenticity, something we know to be true and trustworthy. But in a world of photo-shopped images, assumed identities, and fake news, how do people ever become [...]